Saturday, September 19, 2009

Finding the time to blog is difficult for me sometimes. I had hoped to post something every day, but with work and everything to do at home it's presenting more of a challenge for me. So, to catch myself up.....Alex had the flu all last week and with no appetite, I decided to not give him the supplements on an empty stomach. When he ate, he pretty much stuck to the plan, so that wasn't a worry. He didn't exhibit much OCD behavior when the fever was up, but once the fever fell with the medication, he would continue his normal OCD routines like nobody's business.
So, this week has been trying to get us back on track again. As usual, with the supplements and diet, he is showing reduced OCD. I am still changing dosages of supplements around trying to perfect the combination. So far, I haven't seen any difference.
Our therapy session this week was excellent. We made a list of the OCD behaviors that he has that seem to cause the least anxiety for him. We narrowed it down to 3 specific behaviors, then Alex devised his own plan to tackle the OCD. It is a struggle for him. I see him lying and saying that he's doing well at handling some of it, but I see the behaviors causing the same reactions. For instance, one thing is that he use the same hand towel to dry his hands for one solid day. Each day he can get a fresh towel. In the past, he has used multiple towels, washcloths, etc. to dry his hands. Each time he washes, he has used a different towel to dry with. It seems to me that this week has been better, though I called him on using 3 different towels the other day. I picked them up off the bathroom floor myself, so I know he did. He said he had not. I told him I picked them up to wash that morning. He then said it was my fault because I picked out the hand towel that day and it wasn't his choice. :o( I believe he's fabricating things to excuse the OCD.
On to a new week, with new challenges, and new attempts at finding a solution.